Semmelweis University is one of the oldest universities in Hungary and the Health Services Management Training Centre (HSMTC) is one of its youngest, dynamic developing departments. Just like Budapest having a central location in Central and Eastern Europe, Hungary played a central role in the changes of the late 80’s and 90’s. HSMTC itself grew out of the changes to become a central place for debates of health policy and management development in the region.
Our primary goal is to assist to the development of health services in Hungary and on international level by generating better management knowledge and practice. Through our activities we would like to generate learning and development opportunities, new knowledge and new understanding for those who work on the improvement of health services and health services organizations.
International cooperation played a crucial role in the establishment and it does play a very important role in our present activities as well. We are members of several international professional organizations, like the European Health Management Association (EHMA) and the European Health Property Network (EUHPN). We have a strong collaboration among others with the World Bank and the World Health Organization. Since 1998, we are the Europe and Central Asia Regional Partner Institute of the World Bank Institute’s Flagship Programme. In the framework of international development and research projects, we are honoured to work together with the leading institutes and professionals of the world.
Relevant experience and activities
Degree Programs – MSc in Health Services Management
People looking for formal education in management register to our two years (part time) degree programme. Candidates refer to the programme as the leading and most challenging health management programme in Hungary.
Postgraduate Programs: Quality and Patient Safety Management
The one and half year program is offered for people who are responsible for quality managment activities in their workplace.
We offer Ph.D. education through the Behavioural Sciences track of the Semmelweis Doctoral School.
Short Programs
People looking for practical skills, further training or specialized training, visit our short open programs. The topics of short programs include for instance the management of DRGs, PR and marketing in health care, managing quality in health services organizations, preparing for accreditation, etc.
Graduate education
HSMTC also takes part in the education of medical students, medical and dentistry residents.
Consulting Activities – to give assistance for managers and decision makers in various areas of health policy, organizational management and management education development.
Research Activities – to generate new knowledge and understanding through health policy and organizational research. Recent research topics covered informal payments in healthcare, European level comparative health policy issues, management of change and reform, human resources research with special focus on migration of health workforce, management of quality, management of integrated care, impact of accreditation on costs and safety culture, etc.