


TRIP (Transfusion and Transplantation Reactions in Patients) is an independent Dutch foundation, that collects all reports on adverse reactions and events related to the application and transplantation of substances of human origin, as laid down in Dutch and European legislation. Based on reports of these events and reactions by hospitals, the tissues establishments and other institutes, TRIP analyses the outcome and advises on preventive measures. For these recommendations TRIP is supported by a vigilance Advisory Committee users council.

TRIP also collects annual data on numbers of processed, distributed and applied substances of human origin in all Dutch hospitals. Every year a review is published of the reports in which also recommendations are given to prevent adverse events and reactions in the future. TRIP works in close collaboration with the Inspectorate of Health and the Ministry.


Relevant experience and activities

The staff of TRIP has been active in several European projects and research activities. Recently a study was completed on the market for tissues and cells in Europe and for ECDC, TRIP was involved in a study on the risk on the transmission of vector borne diseases through substances of human origin. Staff members are seated in the board of IHN (International Hemovigilance Network) and in several working parties of the ISBT, Council of Europe and WHO. TRIP is a collaborative partner in VISTART, an EU project that promotes and facilitates harmonisation of inspection, authorisation and vigilance systems for blood, tissues and cells. Co-workers of TRIP have published several scientific articles on vigilance of blood and tissues. 

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